Our camera designs for OEM customers include many custom camera designs, such as scouting camera designs, high speed camera designs, multispectral camera designs, and camera array designs
Camera Design Services Overview Tetracam offers camera design services in support of our standard products. We also provide custom camera design engineering and camera manufacturing services for
our clients. In effect, we can become your company's Engineering and Manufacturing Department delivering you instant expertise and production capabilities while minimizing your risks and investment. Check out the list of camera design services we provide at right. Fees for our services are quoted in individual proposals.
For more information on the camera design services we offer,
please contact the applicable department or send email to: info@tetracam.com. |


Our custom camera design resources include solid modeling, 3D printing, custome camera software design, and camera interface design.
Our custom camera design service are usually available without licensing fees or royalties. Our customers for camera design services include
government, fortune 500 companies, and many startup companies.