Production Firmware for the Tetracam Camera Systems

V0272 is the latest stable firmware for the ADC Micro and ADC Snap. V5203 is the latest stable firmware for the Micro-MCA, Micro-MCA Snap, and RGB+3. If you are a Micro-MCA Snap or RGB+3 user, V5203 has been revised as of December 20th, 2016, so upgrade accordingly. If you are a Mini-MCA user, V5180 is the latest stable firmware; contact us for this firmware. We encourage our customers to always be using the latest stable firmware; upgrading firmware is one of the first things we suggest when a customer asks for technical support from us in the case that their camera's firmware is outdated. New firmware versions will be announced in the news on the Tetracam homepage. The link to this firmware page is located on our support page.

Contact us for the latest stable firmware for the Macaw. To update your Macaw, refer to the latest Macaw Users Guide located at the support page for instructions. The section that explains how to update the Macaw can be reached easily by referring to the Advanced Topics in the Table of Contents of the guide.

An additional set of instructions for upgrading an ADC Micro or ADC Snap system is provided here.

Instructions on How to Update Firmware in an ADC Micro or ADC Snap System

  1. With your camera turned off, remove the micro SD card from your camera.

  2. Insert the micro SD card into the card reader that was provided with your camera.

  3. Insert the card reader into your computer's USB port.

  4. Copy and paste your camera's specific firmware file into the root directory of the micro SD card (that is, outside of the camera's image folder). For example, if your camera is an ADC Micro with NTSC video, the name of the SD card would be TTCDISKU, and that would correspond to the image.bin firmware file. So, you'll want to copy and paste image.bin into the root directory of TTCDISKU. Be sure to use the appropriate firmware file for your camera.

  5. Unplug the card reader from your computer's USB port after waiting about 30 seconds.

  6. With your camera powered off, remove the micro SD card from the card reader and insert it into your camera.

  7. Power up your camera (preferably with video plugged in). DO NOT unplug power while it is upgrading. The camera will restart automatically when the upgrade is completed.

Instructions on How to Update Firmware in a Micro-MCA, Micro-MCA Snap, or RGB+3 System

  1. Power up your camera system and wait for it to pass diagnostics.

  2. Plug your system into your computer using USB.

  3. Copy and paste your system's specific firmware files into the root directories of each camera in the array (that is, outside of each camera's image folder). For example, if your system is a Micro-MCA6 Snap, you'll want to upgrade the master camera first; it will have the volume label TTCSNAP8, and that will correspond to the MasterSnap.bin firmware file. So, you'll want to copy and paste MasterSnap.bin into the root directory of TTCSNAP8. Then, you'll want to copy and paste Slave1Snap.bin into the root directory of TTCSNAP1, and so on, until all cameras in the array have their respective firmware files in their root directories; if you do not, you will get a bad code version message in the diagnostics. Be sure to use the appropriate firmware files for your system.

  4. Unplug USB from either your camera system or your computer after waiting about 30 seconds.

  5. Power off your system.

  6. Power on your system after waiting at least 10 seconds (preferably with video plugged in). DO NOT unplug power while it is upgrading. The system will restart automatically when the upgrade is completed.

Firmware Links

ADC Micro ADC Snap
Micro-MCA4 Micro-MCA4 Snap
Micro-MCA6 Micro-MCA6 Snap
Micro-MCA12 Micro-MCA12 Snap
RGB+3 Macaw